Sunday, April 11, 2010

This and That

Hello! It has been awhile since we last chatted hasn't it? During my absence I have had much deep thinking about myself, my life and my marriage.
*I had been growing increasingly grumpy an unsatisfied with life and wasn't sure why... that is until I spoke with my sis one day. She helped me realize that I had lost myself. When entering a relationship it is easy to lose who we are and chameleon-ize for that other person - whether it be to impress the new significant/their family or because you feel pressured to conform. When I got married I had a whole other family very different from my own, new people at church, and I freaked out a bit. I knew married life would be different, but I didn't realize how different. What has made it so difficult is trying to be a new person. I thought, "Now I'm married I have to be like this, this, and this." Well I hate it and I'm not doing it anymore. I haven't felt like myself in a VERY long time, but I'm slowly regaining my footing on who I am and who I'd like to be. Just be you! This advice goes for a relationship at any stage. No one likes an imitation. I mean, really, who actually prefers Mr. Pibb to Dr. Pepper?
*I have a newfound hatred for nagging and rude people. If you constantly nag someone and are shocked that they avoid you, you are an idiot. That's like chowing down on ice cream every day and being surprised you got fat. And rude people with a lack of manners shows a lack of respect for others. Especially for someone you are in a relationship with. If you are constantly disrespecting the one you're with, and think they will just take it, you're in for a rude awakening. Trying to build someone up instead of bringing them down to your miserable level is much better because they will try to bring you up with them.
*Honesty can hurt and hurt bad, but it is crucial to any healthy relationship. It's like resetting a bone so it can heal properly. If left alone you're going to have a messed up arm or leg. If you let something fester between you and your significant it's going to get messed up.
*Last random item of the week - I just read this article on and found there to be a great lesson in it
I hope all is going well and as always, I'm here if you need me XOXO